About the Subject
The voltage and current at specified points in the circuits of analog
chips vary continuously in time. In contrast, digital chips only use and create
voltages or currents at discrete levels, with no intermediate values. In
addition to Transistors, analog chips often have a larger number of passive
elements (Inductor/Capacitors/Resistors) than digital chips typically do.
Inductors tend to be avoided because of their large size, and a transistor and
capacitor together can do the work of an inductor.
Topics to be
covered in this Seminar :
Current mirror and current sources, Current sources as
active loads, Voltage sources, Voltage References, BJT Differential amplifier
with active loads, Basic information about op-amps – Ideal Operational
Amplifier - General operational amplifier stages -and internal circuit diagrams
of IC 741, DC and AC performance characteristics, slew rate, Open and closed
loop configurations-Sign Changer, Scale Changer, Phase Shift Circuits, Voltage
Follower, V-to-I and I-to-V converters, adder, subtractor, Instrumentation
amplifier, Integrator, Differentiator, Logarithmic amplifier, Antilogarithmic
amplifier, Comparators, Schmitt trigger, Precision rectifier, peak detector,
clipper and clamper, Low-pass, high-pass and band-pass Butterworth
filters-Analog Multiplier using Emitter Coupled Transistor Pair - Gilbert
Multiplier cell – Variable transconductance technique, analog multiplier ICs
and their applications, Operation of the basic PLL, Closed loop analysis,
Voltage controlled oscillator, Monolithic PLL IC 565, application of PLL for AM
detection, FM detection, FSK modulation and demodulation and Frequency
synthesizing-Analog and Digital Data Conversions, D/A converter –
specifications - weighted resistor type, R-2R Ladder type, Voltage Mode and
Current-Mode R , 2R Ladder types - switches for D/A converters, high speed
sample-and-hold circuits, A/D Converters – specifications - Flash type –
Successive Approximation type - Single Slope type – Dual Slope type - A/D
Converter using Voltage-to-Time Conversion - Over-sampling A/D
Converters-Sine-wave generators, Multivibrators and Triangular wave generator,
Saw-tooth wave generator, ICL8038 function generator, Timer IC 555, IC Voltage
regulators – Three terminal fixed and adjustable voltage regulators - IC 723
general purpose regulator - Monolithic switching regulator, Switched capacitor
filter IC MF10, Frequency to Voltage and Voltage to Frequency converters, Audio
Power amplifier, Video Amplifier, Isolation Amplifier, Opto-couplers and fibre
optic IC.
Time to be planned :
1 or 2 days
Kind of program :
3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the
Reason for the
program :
Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young
generation Scientist
Sample Clips for
reference :
Example For Integrated Circuit
Scientist Team